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Michael Massanelli

It took a few decades but somehow I managed to reach the 3rd Stage of Life...the 40's

STAGE 1: 1-20 Learn & Grow

From infancy to adolescence to adulthood growing and learning who you will be the next 20 years.

STAGE 2: 20-40 Use & Abuse

Using what you've learned and working long and hard to prepare for who you will be the next 20 years.

STAGE 3: 40-60 Slow Down & Wise Up

Using the 40 years of experience to leverage life to work smarter and prepare for the next 20 years.

STAGE 4: 60-80 Reflect & Prepare

Reflecting on 60 years of achievements & failures and preparing to leave it all behind.


Be grateful and pass along the wisdom to those wise enough to listen.


I was adopted by a man who I believed was my father for 80% of this time.  He was a early retired Vietnam Helicopter Gunner who was plagued with Vietnam demons but he did his best to raise me as his own while coaching my undefeated Jr. league football team.  My competitive drive kept me very active in sports rarely losing at anything I did.  Fitness and sports were easy for me but social interaction was always a struggle with my quiet personality.


During High School I worked on a military base as a Lifeguard and was the Captain of my JROTC Physical Fitness Team before joining the Unite States Marine Corps.  My active duty times were between the two Gulf Wars but I did spend time training in Kuwait, Japan, & 29 Palms California.


An injury and politics swayed me into leaving the USMC with an Honorable Discharge as an E4.  The injury to both knees left me limited in my sport activities so I pursued a modeling career in California while working High-Rise Security and training to be a Bodyguard.   Needing to find who I was, I left CA to find my biological father and figure out how to rehab myself since the military could not.  Even though I was a quiet person, the Marine Corps changed the amount of aggressiveness that did not set well with me back in civilian life.  To help with all of this I became a Ball Room Dance Instructor, a Massage Therapist, a British Sports Therapist and a  Personal Trainer.  These different atmospheres calmed me down, helped me better interact with people, and helped my fitness return to sports.  


I made the roster of a Semi-Pro Football team as a Wide Receiver but another unfortunate Basketball injury ended the Football season just as it was starting though rehab let me return to trying to make the Arena Football league.  Unfortunately again a different injury prevented me from trying out.  I had to give up on my dreams of becoming a spots star so I set out to learn as much as I could to better help others reach their fitness goals.  


I was introduced to Tom Purvis, the BowFlex infomercial king, and went through his Personal Training Program 'Focus On Fitness' to become a Resistance Training Specialist (RTS) .  His mechanics specialization helped me both better explain things I instinctively knew already as well as taught me things I needed to know.  This period also introduced me to Greg Roskopf, the founder of Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT), where I learned even more about Human Structure & Mechanics, muscle testing, and a better rehabilitation mentality.   I also worked with, trained with, and became friends with Chris Graney, an MAT/RTS Master with Bio-Dynamix, who now works with the New York Giants.


My early 20's of finding myself and non-stop work life led to mistakes in my personal life.  From being an adopted-kid to then a step-kid and a failed engagement I got married to a woman who had two little boys that didn't have their dad in their life.  The one blessing that came out of this time is the daughter we had.  She changed my life in a huge way and I finally learned how to love.  Unfortunately the marriage did not work but my daughter has always been a huge part of my life and I have been for hers.


Certain events transpired that led to me being homeless for a couple of years but during this time I had time to focus on my relationship with God.  It was during this time I was given a vision in a dream about relying on God from a Bible study.  The vision was of a Frog drawn as a Bible Verse...this led to the creation of Coded Critters.  Also during this time I was fortunate enough to meet my soulmate.



Just 24 days into this stage my soulmate and I had the most beautiful, yet publicized & controversial, wedding of the century.  We are the MM & JAM that got married on 8/16/2014 at the Georgia GuideStones.  I picked that spot due to a very unique set of events that had been going on as well as to let the World know that we did not fear whatever negative association that came with the GuideStones.


Since then Jennifer & I have merged companies of her Score Skincare and Medical Aesthetician profession with my Coded Critters and Fitness/Therapy profession to create JAMMin Solutions...Jennifer And Michael Massanelli IN total body Solutions.  We own and operate our iHeal Day Spa together but I do most of my work out of Snap Fitness SRQ.  Together we have created and continue to create new products, ideas, and solutions to help you the best we can from skin care, fitness, and ministry.


Just in the last year I have been unfortunately, yet fortunately, diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome.  It's unfortunate that I do have it to begin with but it fortunately helps explain so much about my life.  The social awkwardness, my focus with the topics I've specialized in, and most frustrating speech problem that drives me please forgive me when you watch any of my videos.


It does seem that the body's warranty runs out at the age of 40 :(

Have been dealing with High Blood Pressure and trying all types of different things to try and remedy it.  I tore by Left bicep helping a young lady put her kayak on her car; it wasn't anything strenuous but with the Prednisone I was given to help with neck pain from the high blood pressure, it compromised my soft tissue and made for a very unfortunate situation.  However, it was repaired by the VA in St. Pete of which they said it would be 6 Months before I could use my arm to even wash the top of my head again.  Fortunately for me, my education in human mechanics and MAT helped my get back to normal activity withing 6 Weeks.  The doctor was quite perplexed when I went back in for my follow up and I put the sling they gave me on my Right (good) arm and a sleeve over my Left (bad) arm and was carrying on a conversation with my bad arm like it was my good arm.  The look on his face when I took off the sling to show how well they did with the surgery by not even leaving a scar was priceless.


Glasses: Now at the age of 45 I'm finding it very difficult to read up close, so now I have some pretty "cool" bifocal transitions reading glasses.


2020 Craziness:  People thought I was crazy for dealing with the 'Numbers' and trying to predict events before they's not a theory anymore.  

Well, quite the roadblock that led to an unfortunate massive U-turn.  The X couple is now an ex-couple :(WTF?! is right, and about all I can say myself right now is the only way it all makes sense of it all and all rests in everything that I talked about & FB posted about that led to the story to begin with.  There were two 7 year warnings given back just after the X Cube happened and the technical end of the first 7 year period ends on 4/2/2022 because of the calendar changes (adding of months)...we shall see.


2021  Didn't think I would become a Grandpa but my daughter has always had a way of changing what/how I think.

December 7th, Jade Victoria came into this world at 4:12pm.  She's a healthy 9lb 6oz bundle of joy that I look forward to being the Great Gusto who gets to show her a very adventurous lifetime :)

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....To Be Continued :P....

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